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Loved your game, such a fun arcade-y concept!

Played it in my last stream here:

Keep it up, cant wait to see what you do next! ;)


Я знаю эту игру уже более 6 месяцев, и она мне всегда нравилась.  Спасибо, Архауз……что создали эту игру.

Oh my god Tolyan you are super cute, seriously

What cool game graphic! Tolain, I'll never touch your beer again! 😂 (German gameplay video)

This game still haunts my dreams and not in a fun way.


Nice game! Somehow, cardboard characters kept me scared. Solid job!!
Deleted post

Ce jeu est incroyable, j’ai beaucoup aimé le tester, j’adore le concept  ^^ 

toylan beer very danger in Hindi

Great art style and overall fun experience

I love the graphic and I enjoyed playing this game 

Очень весело!))

I absolutely love the styling of this game! The gameplay was great as well, if you ever plan on making a story-ish mode of this game or a similar style for a new game, maybe to further any lore, especially with all the trippy backgrounds in the final scenes, I am all for it!

This game was insane, the graphics were really good and the controls felt great! (First game)

Fun short game to check out!


First game in the video! 
I really loved the art AND the music. Great job. 


Beautiful game 🥹

без б, вкуснае пиво

I loved the artstyle and the music, it was so much fun. Would definitely recommend . <3

MADE ME CURSE A LOT :) LOVED IT. Loved the scribble vibes <3

Surprisingly I beat it first try! Funny concept, even funnier artstyle. Loved it xD

Чел, ты гений

Спасибо <3


Loved the art style!  Was a lot of fun!  

This game was awesome and people loved me playing it! Thank you for making such a beautiful game! <3

никогда так пугался от алкаша которого лишили бухла но игра топ


Gameplay en ESPAÑOL.

Good game I liked the cardboard aesthetic.

Played this game and I loved it, it stressed me out so freaking much. Mad props to you for making this game! 


Great Game! the built up anxiety is terrifiyng!

Loved the cardboard aesthetic, the song that plays on the chase sequences is freaking awesome and I'm thankful for the fact that we don't "lose progress" when Tolyan finds us! All in all, fantastic game! Keep up the good work!

this game is honestly so so awesome, and I'd love to see it as a larger release or maybe a sequel? seriously, play this little gem (the cardboard graphics are so cool)

also here's a video i made on tolyan, so much fun!

Would love to see more!!! Make the game an map Harder

good game, but I hate how pressing E, which is the interact button, drops the item in your hand

a fairly basic game, but really well executed! Bravo!


Awesome game

(1 edit)


Would love to see more!!!

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